Monday 21 August 2017

snakes bites the best video ever 10 out of 10



  1. Hi Miller
    I see I am access denied... I am very sad that only you can see it, and that I cant. please let me see this, pretty please with a cherry on top, can I see it?

  2. Hi Miller.

    I agree with Bridget. Can we please have access to this post? It would be great if you could record your speech and post it to your blog. This will give us all a chance to relive your truly engaging speech.


    Mr McAulay


Hi! I am looking forward to reading your quality comment! Try and follow these steps when commenting please:

1. Introduce yourself.
2. Tell me a joke, something funny to engage me.
3. Make your comment meaningful, useful, inspirational
4. Don't be an egg.
5. Give me some positive feedback on my post - but be specific.
6. Think about something I could do to improve my post - but be specific.
7. Leave your blog address so I can give you some feedback too!
