Thursday 8 November 2018

It's My Birthday!

It's My Bday YAY! but all that out of the way I got two fertilized Chicken eggs (Sussex) 3 WEEK! and for my Bday, I got a Pig! (A fake pig that sacred the hecking heck out of me) and 6 tadpoles I'm very happy to be 13 :)

Wednesday 26 September 2018

run thing (I need help naming this)

lately, I have been getting very bad runs because of my low fitness but I'm ok with that but all the time I have been running I have had some very hard runs and some very good ones. People have helped me over some hard runs and I know I'm getting fitter. Sadly this must come to an end Mr. Sinton white and Mr. McAulay leave goodbye teachers 😭  My best is 19.43 and my worst is 27